Knowledge graphs (KGs) are widely used in many real-world applications, such as information retrieval, question answering system, and personal recommendation. However, most KGs are suffering from the incompleteness problem. To deal with the task of link prediction, previous knowledge graph embedding methods require numerous reference instances for each relation. It is worth noting that most relations in KGs have only a few reference instances available. Existing works for few-shot link prediction evaluate the authenticity of triplets from a single relation perspective. In this paper, we propose Hybrid Matching Network (HMNet) for few-shot link prediction, evaluating triplets from entity and relation two perspectives. At the entity-aware matching network, HMNet uses attentive inductive embedding layer to aggregate entity features and relation-aware topology, and then provides entity-aware score to implement first perspective evaluation. At the relation-aware matching network, HMNet integrates feature attention mechanism to implement relation perspective evaluation. Experiments on two public datasets indicate that HMNet achieves promising performance in few-shot link prediction.

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Recommended citation: Shan Xiao, Lei Duan, Guicai Xie, Renhao Li, Zihao Chen, Geng Deng and Jyrki Nummenmaa. HMNet: Hybrid Matching Network for Few-Shot Link Prediction[C]. International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, 2021, 307-322.